Big-Data.AI & Quantum Summit 2023

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#BAS23 | Unlocking the Potential of Data and AI

When it comes to new technologies, making the step from a proof-of-concept to an value-generating application is a challenge. However, future-proof business models are needed. What does it take for Big Data and artificial intelligence to arrive in the German economy and the whole value chain of organizations? How can businesses avoid that innovations in data and AI do not make it to production? And how to overcome technical and organizational hurdles in the process?

At the Big-Data.AI Summit 2023, Europe's leading conference on the application of artificial intelligence and big data in business, we want to explore best practices and concrete use cases that enable companies to make it past this initial proof-of-concept. With experts from industry, politics & research we will dive deep into solutions in different sectors and also investigate what lies ahead for enterprises who want to become data-driven. Join us on the 20th and 21st September 2023 at #BAS23 to find out which technologies can be leveraged for the development of your business model, what to know about the social and legal circumstances and how rules for AI and data in Europe can be designed. Together with our partner conference Quantum Summit 2023, we will explore over these two days how to unlock the value of technology for your company!

#quantumsummit23 | Setting the framework for broad economic impact

Quantum computing isn’t just a future trend anymore – it’s here to stay and promising to solve both local and global problems in various fields that are beyond the reach of today's computers. But how to leverage this potential and pave the road from today’s proofs of concept to broad industrial adoption of the technology? What do industry & economy in Germany and Europe need to become quantum-ready and fully benefit from the potential of quantum computing technology? What technological, structural, and economic challenges are to overcome?

On September 20th and 21st, you’ll be able to discuss those pressing questions in real life in the heart of Berlin – because Quantum Summit 2023 goes live! Meet key industrial and political decision makers as well as experts from research institutions live and use your opportunity to network and share important insights on quantum computing implementation and impact along the entire value chain. Discover how today’s political, economic and technological developments determine the quantum computing future in Europe – we will provide you with an overview over the advances, strategies, and technological solutions in the field. Together with our partner conference Big-Data.AI Summit 2023, we will explore over these two days how to unlock the value of technology for your company!

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Berlin!

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